Friday, 18 May 2018 12:55
Educational concerts for children!
Dear School and Kindergarten Headteachers,
The Song and Dance Ensemble ”Kujawy” of Cultural Centre ”Brewery B.” warmly invites you for dance-educational show ”Proud of origin” which will take place in the auditorium of Cultural Center ”Brewery B.” in Włocławek on June 19 th and 20 th, 2018.
The idea of the concert was born in connection with the celebration of the century of Poland regaining its independence. The performance is addressed to pre-school children and grades 1-3 of primary schools. Specially designed program aims to familiarize the young audience with a folk culture and sensitize to patriotic values. On the stage will perform over 100 dancers from all groups of the Song and Dance Ensemble and a band on traditional instruments. We will show you Polish national and folk dances from different regions of Poland. Children will take an active part in the show. An additional attraction will be quizzes and contests related to folklore.
From among all groups registered during the concert, one will be drawn and will take part in two workshops: "From a painted chest", which will be led by a folk artist in a due-date ( painting greeting cards, bookmarks or cutting kujawskie cotouts), rhytmic and dance classes, which will lead the manager of "Kujawy" Maciej Mielczarski.
We are planing to present four shows, two on June 19th at 9.00 and 12.00 and on June 20th at the same time. Tickets for PLN 10 per person will be available at the box office of the Center from May 4 th. If you have any questions, please contact the team leader Maciej Mielczarski at tel. 799-111-032, 54 427-02-52 or e-mail address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. You're warmly welcome to visit us!
Translation: Lidia Miętkiewicz